Erectile dysfunction is an urgent problem of our time, because not only men of mature age but also those of a relatively young age suffer from the disorder. One of the many reasons for its occurrence is an unbalanced diet, eating foods that affect testosterone production and lead to obesity. Before offering potent drugs, experts recommend changing your eating behavior and starting to use products for potency. There is a fairly large list of dishes that have a beneficial effect on male sexual activity. Among them, you can choose both simple and affordable fruits and vegetables, as well as more sophisticated exotic specimens.
Products that improve potency in men
Male potency is a hot topic in many scientific works. Scientists are not only studying the causes of sexual dysfunction, they are also compiling new formulas for miracle pills. And they all claim that a change in lifestyle and, most importantly, a correct diet can increase potency almost instantly. After all, food culture has disappeared somewhere in the past few decades.

It is important to know! Complete and healthy food has been replaced by semi-finished products, fast foods, sauces, condiments, filled with preservatives and chemical additives. All this imperceptibly destroys the body from the inside and leads to the development of sexual disorder.
In the article we will consider which products increase potency in men and which ones should be excluded from consumption forever.
Food that can hurt
It is important to understand here that not all products are useful for the normal functioning of the genitourinary system in men. Some components of the diet, on the contrary, act negatively, have a negative effect, contribute to a decrease in testosterone production, the extinction of sexual activity and the occurrence of side effects. It is impossible to list all the products, you just need to get acquainted with the list and properties of the main groups.
- Foods high in bad cholesterol. These include fast food, pizza, chips, sausages, smoked meats, sauces, including mayonnaise, fried foods.
- Soybean and products based on it. Contains phytoestrogens - female hormones that inhibit testosterone synthesis. For the same reason, you should limit your whole milk intake to 1 liter per day.
- Corn, flax seeds, olive oil affect the production of male hormones, so you should use the product of one type and no more than 6 tablespoons per day.
- Smoked products contain smoke liquid, which causes toxic damage to the testicles.
- Alcohol also greatly reduces the production of testosterone, negatively affects the functions of the male reproductive system. Especially harmful is beer, which, in addition to alcohol, contains phytoestrogens.
- Meat, which is also rich in hormones, should be consumed in limited quantities. It's pork, beef, chicken.
- Foods and drinks rich in caffeine - black tea, cocoa, coffee. The norm of the latter per day is one cup. Excess intake contributes to the destruction of the male hormone. The same applies to energy drinks, which load the heart muscle and worsen the state of the vascular system.
- Sweets, white bread are harmful to male potency, as they contain sugar, yeast, acids, which negatively affect the synthesis of testosterone.
- Poultry eggs in unlimited quantities. The best option is to consume no more than one product every other day.
- Salt, sugar and other spices, which are necessary to maintain a normal life, also begin to be harmful in excess.
- Sweet carbonated drinks. In addition to sugar, the composition contains dyes, chemical compounds that prevent the achievement of a full and lasting erection. They reduce testosterone production and negatively affect spermatogenesis.
Advise! Correction of the diet is recommended, first of all, to prevent the development of age-related problems with potency. Adding healthy and necessary foods to the diet, of course, will not cure the existing ailment, but it will help maintain men's health for many years.
Food and drink for healthy men
Products used to increase potency in men, it is advisable to conditionally divide them into several categories. They can be combined with each other, make various combinations, invent new dishes and drinks. It all depends on imagination and experience, as there are no clear recommendations for cooking. These products include:
- stimulants;
- prostate protectors;
- tonic;
- antioxidants.
They have a rich complex of components necessary for the normal functioning of the male genitourinary and reproductive system. You can use them in unlimited quantities for people of any age. An early transition to a healthy diet has been shown to help maintain strong potency. Nutritionists have compiled an evaluation of useful products, the first line of which is occupied by meat products.

The basis of a healthy man's diet should be protein foods. It serves as a building material for muscle fibers, increases testosterone production and increases endurance. The following products are considered useful:
- chicken offal;
- beef heart or liver;
- any type of red meat.
Meat should be included in the daily diet. The daily norm is about 200 g. It is useful to use offal twice a week.
All types of seafood are a valuable source of amino acids and zinc, B vitamins and unsaturated acids. To increase the potency of men, the following list is recommended:
- Red fish;
- oysters and mussels;
- shrimp, lobster;
- Raining;
- escalopes;
- crabmeat;
- seaweed.
It is useful to include mussels and oysters in the diet twice a week, including seaweed, but being rich in iodine, the daily norm should not exceed 100 g.
As already mentioned, protein food is considered the most useful, which stimulates a persistent erection. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating poultry eggs: chicken or quail. Many do not pay attention to them, but in the meantime they contain a lot of useful substances and contribute to an increase in erection. The product can be boiled, fried and added to salads, sauces, first and second courses. The main thing is to diversify the diet in order not to be addictive. The recommended rate is 1-2 eggs three times a week.
When listing useful products for potency, it is necessary to remember berries and fruits. Bananas, called "the fruits of sensuality and passion", are considered the leader. They need to eat a couple of pieces every day. In addition, the diet should be diversified with apricots, avocados, citrus.
Dairy products
Excellent helpers in the fight against the manifestations of impotence are sour cream, curdled milk, goat's milk. The latter affects the male libido, due to the presence of amino acids and a complex of vitamins. This tool was tested by the Egyptian pharaohs and Roman generals. To get the result, you should drink a couple of glasses a day. The improvement comes after a week.
Sexual energy is stimulated by foods such as turnips, garlic and carrots. They increase blood circulation and rejuvenate the body. The rich composition of eggplant, tomatoes, artichokes allows you to get rid of erection problems and diseases of the genitourinary system.
After finding out which foods impact libido and male potency, you need to think about drinks, which also play an important role in changing eating habits and eating a healthy diet:
- black coffee (no more than one cup per day);
- orange juice is a source of vitamin C;
- green tea is the leader in antioxidant content;
- vegetable juices rich in vitamins and minerals;
- berry drinks containing natural acids;
- tea and infusions of medicinal plants.
Rosehip decoction is considered extremely useful. It is a powerful antioxidant and contains a large amount of vitamin C. The remedy should be applied three times a week. To enhance the effect of coffee, you can add spices to the drink: cloves, cardamom, black pepper, thyme, cinnamon. They will help increase sexual desire and stimulate a vivid orgasm.
Spices and herbs
When studying the question of which foods can increase potency in men, one should not forget about the herbs and spices that are recommended to be consumed to improve palatability and maintain men's health. The list of irreplaceable "helpers" includes the following plants.

- Thyme (salty). Many call it the herb of happiness. Use in moderate doses can increase potency and prolong erotic sensations.
- Lemongrass. Stimulates the production of seminal fluid, increases energy, strengthens the general tone of the body.
- Rosemary. The leaves and shoots contain substances similar in characteristics to sex hormones.
- Ordinary of Dubrovnik. Has a stimulating effect, stimulates a good orgasm.
- St. John's wort. Restores libido, strengthens the nervous system, regulates the emotional state.
- Oats. The seeds are used in the form of decoctions and infusions.
To this list must be added ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, fennel seeds. All these spices have a rich biochemical composition, contain essential oils, thanks to which they have a beneficial effect on human health and strength.
Delicious recipes to strengthen male strength
Nutrition experts offer many recipes for increasing male libido and achieving a stable erection. Even more detailed cooking descriptions and master classes can be found on the Internet.
- Honey and sesame. A handful of seeds are slowly fried in a pan, without adding oil. Mix with a small amount of liquid product and eat three tablespoons a day.
- Apples, daikon and carrots. Wash and clean all ingredients thoroughly. After that, chop, mix in a bowl, where to add the juice of half a lemon. The reception scheme is the same as in the previous recipe.
- Mixture of nutrients. In a glass of liquid honey, add half a liter of red wine and 1 tbsp. L. aloe juice. Cover the contents with a lid and put it in a dark place for two weeks. The resulting product should be consumed in one tablespoon three times a day before meals.
- Curd with onions. 2 heads of the Yalta variety, peeled, chopped. Mix 120 g of fermented milk product with half a glass of curdled milk, add the chopped onion. Sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill leaves. You can eat the dish every day.
Products that improve sperm quality
In addition to the weakening of potency in men, there is another problem - a violation of the reproductive function. The ideal spermogram is currently quite rare. This is due to many factors, including a sedentary lifestyle. Often it is possible to solve the problem with the help of certain foods and folk remedies.

It is by nature that a man must have rich and varied food in order to be able to procreate. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the diet:
- meat, including offal and liver;
- dried fruits - dates, dried apricots;
- honey, nuts of all kinds;
- bananas, avocado, mango;
- cereals - wheat, buckwheat, rice, lentils;
- artichokes, pumpkin, including seeds;
- bee products.
It is important to know! If the spermatozoa are too passive and inactive, it is recommended to include foods rich in L-carnitine in the diet.
natural aphrodisiacs
Aphrodisiacs are foods that increase sexual desire. Some dishes, drinks, spices, aromatic compositions are considered natural. Thanks to the rich composition, they achieve the following effects:
- relieve stress, fatigue;
- rejuvenate the body;
- increase sexual desire;
- provide a stable and long-lasting erection;
- increase the severity of sexual pleasure;
- affect the pleasure center located in a certain area of the brain.
The list of products that increase potency in men almost instantly includes the following.

- Nuts of any kind. They are eaten raw, added to salads and other dishes. Almonds are especially useful.
- Seafood. These are all varieties of red fish, oysters, shrimps, mussels, snails, caviar.
- Vegetables. Help can bring to humans species such as aubergines, artichokes, tomatoes, herbs, Jerusalem artichokes, lettuce.
- Fruits and berries. Among them, nutritionists also distinguish several types: peaches, pineapples, mangoes, apricots, avocados, strawberries.
- Spices. Chilli, cinnamon, rosemary, basil, lavender, ginger, fennel have a strong stimulating effect.
- Mushrooms. Some of their strains are capable of increasing potency. These are morels, truffles, champignons.
- Treasure. The product of beekeeping has not only a healing property, but also effectively affects male potency. An allergy test must be performed before use.
- Chocolate. Black varieties are able to increase sexual desire, sharpen feelings.
Experts recommend eating lean meats, as the level of red blood cells increases, thereby rapidly saturating the tissue cells with blood and oxygen.
Impotence prevention
Sexual impotence is a major problem that can be triggered by both physiological and psychogenic factors. Prevention measures are directly related to the cause that caused the sexual disorder. But they are generally accepted:
- correct and balanced nutrition;
- adequate rest, sleep for at least eight hours;
- moderate physical activity;
- exclusion of nervous overload of stressful situations.
Doctors recommend swimming or tennis, enrolling in a sports section. Include healthier "masculine" foods in your daily diet, limit the use of caffeinated drinks, sodas and energy drinks. All activities are aimed at strengthening self-confidence and the desire to acquire sexual power. As practice shows, following the recommendations of specialists will help restore health and feel the joy of intimate relationships.
The potency of a man and the ability to conceive largely depend on the quality of nutrition. To maintain the health and strength of man it is not necessary to take drugs, but it is necessary to limit harmful and absolutely useless products, replacing them with tasty and natural products that do not contain chemical compounds, naturally and beneficially affect the quality of sexual life.